
Father and Son

I did it. I told them what I really wanted. January 30, 2012. Today is my dad's birthday. After my last class for this evening, I managed to make my way as fast as I can to catch my family having dinner in a local restaurant. I did bring my gift for him in which I bought last night when I was strolling down in a mall. It was a shirt. A simple one. I bet he knows for sure that for the both of his sons, I would be the one giving him such... Read More... »

(LSS) Change the world

Who the heck is Eric Clapton?? I dunno. But after listening to this wonderful song as I travel my way to the office, I can't help but to sing. As I open my lips to mouth *change the world* in the chorus, it's as if I'm gonna spend a long vacation all by myself or with someone else. Or to ride an airplane as we ascend and watch the earth below us. Then came the realization that this song, his song? It's music. Who the heck is Eric Clapton?... Read More... »

5-minute reading

"Seeker" An old man walks up to the front of the store and opens the glass door. The bell rings and he gazes upon the tall book shelves that tower over him. His eyes are not good back when he was twenty-one  but he knows for sure that he can venture inside this unknown shop unassisted. He stops surprisingly, moves his head to the right and finds it: a diary. The old man smiles as he grab the journal and make his way to... Read More... »

Move on

Okay, I'm tired. I totally revamped my blog and forgot all my priorities in my workplace. Time flies so fast when one's enjoying. Yep, I did make the most out of it by fixing my personal space even if I ran out of time to add a few more widgets and tools. Come to think of it, three months of hiatus in blogging was a long time. Some of the blogs I follow drastically changed, having dozens of new and fresh entries since I decided to lie... Read More... »

New look

Still constructing my blog as of this moment.

I kinda like this new look. How about you? :)


Light Post

"Light Post" Grab this tiny palm, With all you can bear; Sing my advent psalm, To light you somewhere. Firefly, lead her please, Connect my old root; Gently as a kiss, My forbidden fruit. Speak up lil' lady, "Is this the way home?" Know... Read More... »

The cat from hell

I just woke up from a crazy and half-remembered dream. A dream of a cat. But not just any ordinary cat, it's a talking cat! In my dream, he approached me and spoke. The voice sounded familiar but I cannot remember who or what it sounded like. The furry beast just spoke and told me the people he killed. It's as if the goddamn "meow-meow" is inventorying his murder list. That thing made me sick.  Of course I tried to recall the... Read More... »

When a joker stopped joking

It's been a while since I last wrote here. I feel ashamed of myself. Jeez... I've been in some countless workloads for these past few months and from the way I see it -- the bitterness of reality -- has only just begun. There are many bumps along these days that affected me so much causing my health to deteriorate bit my bit. I often ask myself, "How far will you go, master? How far?" And with a sigh, I simply hide my winter-y eyes... Read More... »





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